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Download my 'Find balance through Ayurveda' E-book

About Ayurvedic Massage..

Image by Chelsea shapouri

Ayurvedic massage is a unique, personalised, deep relaxing, holistic massage using warm, herbal infused oil in which allows for physical, emotional and mental healing.


The aim of my treatments are to help you to REST & RENOURISH in order to help you gain balance and give you an overall sense of wellbeing to help prevent disease, illnesses or stress related tension. Ayurvedic massage is a unique, personalised, deep relaxing, holistic massage using warm medication oil to massage the skin with great emphasis given to the marma (energy points) to allow for ultimate physical, mental and emotional healing, energy balancing, elimination of toxins & immunity boosting.

50% of your 3rd massage and receive your 6th massage FREE

See below to find out why I offer this offering... 


As an offering from me to you and because I value and cherish my clients, I want to be able to give something back to say thank you for choosing me to be a part of and trusting me with being a huge part of your wellbeing journey.


So, as an offering from me to you, when you become a regular client and book in for a block booking, you will receive savings, discounts and a free massage!


50% off your 3rd massage and your 6th massage* free

*massage of your choice to last 30 minutes

The Ayurvedic treatments I offer

Face Massage

Marma Abyhanga / Full Body massage
60 minutes £65

An all over full body massage from head to toe using warmed medicated oil (warm oil is truly a gift of nourishment to our skin) using either sattvic, rajasic or tamsic techniques to massage the body. The bodies energy flow will be rebalanced due to the focus on specific marma (energy) points allowing you to benefit from the following; deep relaxation, reduces stress & anxiety, improves blood circulation, nourishes the tissues and skin, relieves pain, strengthens the bodies organs, produces hormones and increases vitality.

Shirobyhanga / Head Massage
45 minutes £40

Head, Neck, Shoulder and Arm massage. This is a heavenly and nurturing treatment for clients who love a 'head rub', except this is isn't your standard head rub as it incorporates traditional ayurvedic techniques along with warm oil that will relive you from any tension, stress and pain within moments. Other benefits of Shirobhyanga include; Aids sleep, lymphatic drainage, nourishes scalp, hair and roots, reduces low mood, detoxifying and helps you to gain clarity which in turn helps you to make decisions (my personal favourite).

Mukhabyhanga / Ayurvedic's natural face lift 

30 minutes £35

Ayurvedic face massage (which in ancient India would have been known as a natural face lift). This is a remedial therapy in which firm pressure is applied lifting the face muscles leaving you with a youthful glow, along with massaging the facial marma points to allow for increase of energy flow to the face. Other Mukhabhyanga benefits; Anti-aging, reduces fine lines and wrinkles, improves and maintains skin hydration, deep relaxation/relieves stress and also improves sleep. *Oil used for Mukhabhyanga - Tridosha 'Happiness in a bottle'.

Massage Table
Face Massage

Padabyhanga / Foot and lower leg massage

45 minutes £45

Ayurveda's lower leg and foot massage. This is a treatment you should have regularly if you work tirelessly on your feet or are in general need of deep relaxation. Starting with cleansing of the feet, firm massage of the lower leg then manipulating marma points in the soles of the feet using deep pressure techniques. Padabhyanga benefits include; Improves blood circulation, increases awareness, stress relief, improves general well-being and relieves tired feet.

Pinda Sweda / Herbal compress massage 

60 minutes £75

Pinda translates to compress and Sweda means to sweat! This is a herbal compress pummelling massage using a bolus made with ayurvedic herbal powders, which have been crushed in a pestle & mortar and tied into a muslin cloth. Your prescribed oil is then warmed at a higher temperature and applied to the body using the herbal bolus using the ayurvedic technique known and pummelling. Pinda Sweda is extremely nourishing, detoxifying and energising. A great treatment if you have inflammation, skin conditions, joint problems and sore muscles (great if you practice sports)! At the end of this treatment I will give you the bolus and you can use as an exfoliation.

Udvartarna / Detox scrub

30 minutes £25

A unique cleansing ancient Indian treatment. Specific ground Ayurvedic herbs are energetically applied and rubbed over the body to help draw out impurities/toxins. The natural ingredients will also exfoliate, leaving the skin feeling beautiful. reduce water retention, exfoliate, promotes better blood circulation, reduces cellulite.

Massage Table
Face Massage
Ayurvedic Nutrition and Lifestyle Consultation
60 minutes £65

This consultation is a two part consultation and can be carried out alone (online) or alongside having regular treatments.


During the consultation, I will ask you in depth questions about your current diet, lifestyles, current habits and happenings to determine your Dosha & Prakriti.

i will also carry out a traditional technique of Nadi Pariksha (pulse diagnosis) and Tongue diagnosis to determine your levels of Ama (toxins). With that data, it will determine what changes will need to take place in order to get you at an equilibrium state (the balance of mind, body and soul).


Creating a personalised plan for you will enable you to feel healthier, more in tune with your body and everyday life, the welcoming of clarity and even more importantly, immersing in new healthy habits and daily rituals to help you navigate through any current disease or more importantly - as a preventative!

This will be the best thing for you to do if you're experiencing health ailments such as;

- lethargy, skin irritations, inflammation, bloating, pain, hair thinning, digestive issues.


I will find new and enlightening new ways for you to find balance within yourself.

There's a popular and well know saying in Ayurveda;

"Prevention is better than cure."


The plan will concentrate on Ayurveda's holistic approach, with a personalised plan created for you, recommending you to incorporate certain herbs and other holistic remedies into your life and which will focus on reducing toxins, helping you to reconnect with your whole self to allow for self healing.

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