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Writer's pictureHayley Olds

How to make Ayurveda's miracle tea (CCF TEA)

Updated: Jan 7

Whatever time of year it is, whatever season, we must always check in with our selves regularly to make sure our digestive health is working smoothly and that our digestive fire is still burning away just right!

Ask yourself similar questions to the ones below;

  • Are you struggling with any specific digestive issues?

  • Bloated?

  • Constipated?

  • Do you have more flatulence than normal?

  • Nausea?

  • Do you overall just feel sluggish and lethargic?

  • Are you experiencing skin irritations?

All of these above symptoms could mean you had a build of of Ama (toxins) within the body. Drinking a CCF tea every morning, or even sipping on it throughout the day can help to eliminate the build up of Ama, which in turn will reduce any of those sluggish, slow and that general feeling of not feeling like the best version of yourself.

If you feel that you need to incorporate something in your life to help - I have just the recipe!!!!

CCF tea - the Ayurvedic secret to optimal digestive health!!

CCF tea is made from using just THREE easily sourced, readily available kitchen herbs;

  • Cumin

  • Coriander

  • Fennel

(hopefully your mind is currently blown from the pure simplicity of just needing THREE kitchen herbs - mine definitely was when I was first told about this miracle tea!!!)

I have had my nearest and dearest friends try CCF and some of them were instantly hooked. You have to be quite open minded at first, especially as the strong aromas and flavours from the Cumin can taste like you're drinking a delicious curry!! BUT.. stick with it and those taste buds will soon be nourished and thanking you for baring with.

What do I need??

Equal measures ready of each of these medicinal herbs;

1 tsp cumin seeds

1 tsp coriander seeds

1 tsp fennel seeds

3-4 cups of cold or ready boiled filtered water

What do I do next??

You can either toast the equal measures of the seeds in a saucepan for approx 30-45 seconds OR you don't necessarily need to toast them if you don't want to (my preference is to do so as it encourages the oils in the seeds to release, making the tea when stewed stronger in taste) - always keep a watch on this part as you do NOT want the seeds to burn.

After toasting the seeds, add boiling water to the saucepan and boil for a further 4-5 minutes. At this point, either watch the seeds dance around in circles whilst they boil or leave on a low heat and be sure to set a timer as a reminder!

After 4-5 minutes, turn the heat off and wait a minute or so for the boiling water to settle in the pan. During this time, grab one of your favourite mugs ready to pour your tea into.

Grab a siv/small strainer out the seeds from the water, pour into your favourite mug and enjoy whilst you relax/sit in peace.

When shall I drink it??

You can drink this miracle tea first thing in the morning, before meals, after meals, during the day (can work well when drinking out of a heated flask throughout the day - can also enjoy cold in the summer months).

As long as this tea is not being drunk during meal time, as this can have actually have the opposite effect and then diminish your digestive fire, whereas we want to keep it alight! 🔥

Why am I drinking it??

The benefits of drinking CCF tea;

  • Relieves bloating.

  • Reduces flatulence.

  • Calms intestinal spasms.

  • Eases stomach pain and cramps.

  • Settles nausea and vomiting.

  • Stimulates and balances the Agni (digestive fire)

I encourage you to go and make a cup of CCF, you won't look back!!

I'm excited to find out how you enjoyed yours 💛


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